Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, CO | Voigtlander Bessa IIIW | Kodak Portra 400
Only staying one night in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison last August, there was only one night/morning combo for golden light opportunities. Luckily, this little known National Park is not large enough to require multiple days of exploration. In fact, the sunset this time of year was aligned in such a way that much of the canyon was being lit up. This particular image was captured hand held with my trusty Voigtlander Bessa IIIW set to 6x7cm mode (also has the ability to take 6x6 frames in camera). I really enjoyed trying to capture a balance of bright sky, lit up rock, and light-starved lower canyon. I think Portra 400’s exposure latitude was the perfect film for the job!